Waiting for ‘The Critic’

Today’s WOD:
Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) for as many rounds as possible
6 barbell push press (15kg)
6 situps
6 thrusters (15kg)

Outcome: 9 rounds!

Comments: Testing month at the box this November, it feels kind of like our own benchmark WODs. I am excited to see how I do in 5-6 months time! I felt shaky afterwards, the bar looked like a 50kg monster and every situp felt like my last. But I made it – my goal was to do at least 5 rounds and I did 9!


Random musings

I have been doing Crossfit for a few months – feels like a month but it has been almost three if I count it from the exact day I went to my first class. Combined with my new need to evaluate what I am really doing every day, I have been examining the situations I place myself into. I am doing my best to embrace the chaos instead of running back to ‘safe’ ground; such as training by myself in the garden which I did for a year.

One of the biggest perception that people have of both the gym and Crossfit is this idea of the judgmental ‘Critic’ – the one that laughs at you when you pick up a lighter weight, the one that let’s you know, in no uncertain terms, that she/he is better than you. And every time I go to Crossfit, I expect to meet this superior person who will laugh at my feeble attempts to get fit. And I can tell you that, so far, I have not found them.

Perhaps this is what appeals to me as a former martial artist – that there is no ego. Of course, people are damn proud of their efforts. But I am yet to see anyone promote themselves at the loss of someone else, for example saying “I lifted 5kg more than Brian, he’s such a weakling!” But there is no judgement from the veterans when a newbie like me says “I’m going to scale down to 20kg” – there is a knowing nod and an word of encouragement. Most, if not all of the time, they are happy that you also made it through the workout.

Everyone truly there to give it their best. We are there to just survive the workout. And I think that is what I love about this fitness scheme, no matter how fast, strong, flexible or big you are, there will be a workout that challenges you and humbles you.

Pick up the weight and carry it

Today’s Workout of the Day (WOD)

8 rounds for time (link)
100m single arm dumbbell farmers carry
8 dumbbell alternating power snatch
10 dumbbell row in plank

My stats: 7.5kg throughout, finished in 17.04 minutes

Today’s thoughts:

Farmer’s carries are one of the most simplest weight exercises you can do. Simply pick up the heaviest weight you can, walk as far as you can (or a pre-determined distance) and put it down. Simple. Despite the simplicity, it is still a difficult exercise to do; as it is also a mental game. You have to fight that initial thought of ‘Oh god, this is heavy!’ and replace it with a constant mantra of ‘Don’t let go. Don’t let go.’

Today’s effort was revolving around doing something rather than nothing. Reminding myself that I am doing this for me, not to be better than the person in front of me; just me.