Pick up the weight and carry it

Today’s Workout of the Day (WOD)

8 rounds for time (link)
100m single arm dumbbell farmers carry
8 dumbbell alternating power snatch
10 dumbbell row in plank

My stats: 7.5kg throughout, finished in 17.04 minutes

Today’s thoughts:

Farmer’s carries are one of the most simplest weight exercises you can do. Simply pick up the heaviest weight you can, walk as far as you can (or a pre-determined distance) and put it down. Simple. Despite the simplicity, it is still a difficult exercise to do; as it is also a mental game. You have to fight that initial thought of ‘Oh god, this is heavy!’ and replace it with a constant mantra of ‘Don’t let go. Don’t let go.’

Today’s effort was revolving around doing something rather than nothing. Reminding myself that I am doing this for me, not to be better than the person in front of me; just me.